Wednesday, March 25, 2009


What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol and triglycerides are important fats for the body. Cholesterol is an essential component of cell membranes, and bile which helps the body emulsify and absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins

The body uses cholesterolto make vitamin D and hormones such as oestrogen, testosterone and cortisol.

The body can produce all the cholesterol all the cholesterol that it needs, but we also get cholesterol from our food. Too much cholesterol in our bodies increases the risk of heart disease.

There are two main types of cholesterol in the blood :

  • Low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol - called the 'bad' cholesterol because it goes into the bloodstream and clogs up your arteries with fatty plaque deposits (atherosclerosis)
  • High density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol - called 'good' cholesterol because it helps to take the 'bad' cholesterol out of the bloodstream and back to the liver to be broken down and excreted in bile

There's a simple rule of thumb - more HDL is good ; more LDL is bad.

Why do we get high Cholesterol?

Cholesterol levels may become abnormal because of changes that occur with Ageing, various disorders (including some hereditary ones), use of certain drugs, or lifestyle (consuming a high-fat diet, being physically inactive, or being overweight).

Cholesterol in the diet comes mainlyfrom saturated fats found in animal products (meat especially bacon and organ meat) as well crayfish, prawns, cheese, diary products, coconut and palm oils, margarine, butter adn fried foods. All foods from animals contain some cholesterol. Food from plants do not contain cholesterol.

Treatment and Herbal and Nutritional supplementsfor high Cholesterol

Changing your diet is important to lower cholesterol ; it decreases the amount of unnecessary cholesterol entering the body :

  • Increase fibre to bind cholesterol and excrete it from the body - fruit, veges, legumes, barley, oats and oats bran, psyllium husks, flaxseeds
  • Plant sterols, found naturally in plant food, can lower cholesterol levels.
    Plants sterol enriched margarines may help to lower LDL cholesterol.
  • Avoid : animal products, fatty meats, organ meats, processed meats, deep fried food, cakes, biscuits, pastries, potato chips, processed an junk food, too much dairy, margarine
  • Consume healthy unsaturated fats - raw nuts and seeds, fish, flaxseed oil, veges, olive oil for cooking
  • Have fish at least twice a week
  • Eat food that are good for liver - garlic, onions, beetroot, carrots, dandelion
  • Reduce your alcohol intake to no more than 2 drinks per day and avoid binge drinking
  • Don't smoke ; it increases the ability of LDL cholesterol to get into your cells and cause damage
  • Exercise regularly - at least 30 minutes every day - it increases HDL and reduces LDL levels in the body, combats stress, keep the arteries in good condition to promote the flow of blood and utilises excess body fats to help lower cholesterol

Helps maintain a healthy and cardiovascular system
Assists in the management of cholesterol health
Helps maintain healthy triglyceride levels
Supports healthy blood pressure

When the omega 3 essential fatty acid is present in the body, cholesterol binds to it and is used for functions essential to the body - functions such as hormone and cell structure. When there is a deficiency of omega 3, cholesterol attaches to saturated fats instead adn forms cholesterol plaques on vessel walls (leading to atherosclerosis)

Low CoQ10 levels may be associated with ageing, smoking, cardiovescular disease and high cholesterol
CoQ10 is vital for energy production and heart muscle contraction and function
Helps maintain circulation and the health of arteries
Assists in the management of cholesterol health
Some cholesterol lowering medications decrease the body's production of CoQ10

Liver and gall bladder tonic
Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels

Prevention of high Cholesterol

  • A healthy lifestyle, eating plan and exercise (as mentioned under 'Treatment and Herbal and Nutritional supplements for high cholesterol')

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Colds, Flu and Immunity

Why do we get Colds and Flu?

No matter how healthy we are, it is very likely that at some time we will get a cold or flu. Colds and Flu are caused by viruses and there are hundreds of types of viruses that our immune systems have to try and combat.

It is actually good for our immune system, and helps strenghten it, to get a cold/flu once or twice a year.

What is the Immune System?

The immune system is made up of special white blood cells ( the 'soldiers' ) that fight infections that invade our bodies.

Every time a 'battle' occurs with an infection, the immune system remembers the germ that attacked. This mean if the boy comes in contact with that germ again, it can destroy the microbe more quickly and it doesn't have so much of an impact on the body.

Some infections, like influenza and common cold, have to be fought many times because there are so many different types of viruses that cause them.

Symptoms of a Cold

Colds, or upper respiratory tract infections, are the most common cause of illness.
It is viral infection of the lining of the nose, sinuses, throat and large airways.

There are over 200 types of viruses that can cause the common cold which can be spread by sneezing, coughing and hand contact. Becoming chilled does not cause colds, nor does it increase a person's susceptibility to infection.

Symptoms include :
  • Respiratory mucous congestion
  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Swollen lymph glands

Symptoms of the Flu

Influenza (flu) is an infection of the lungs and airways caused by a virus,which can be spread by sneezing, coughing and hand contact.

There are two types of flu virus, type A and B, and many different strains within each type. The strain of virus causing outbreaks and world epidemics is always changing, so for vaccines to be effective they have to be specific to that viral strain.

Influenza is different fromthe common cold. It is caused by a different virus and produces symptoms that are more severe :

  • Fever, chills and sweating
  • Muscle aches
  • Weakness and malaise
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Cough

Treatment and Herbal and Nutritional supplements for Colds/Flu

Colds/Flu are described as self-limiting which means they 'run their course' as your immune system detects adn eradicates the infection.

Antibiotics do not help people with Colds/Flu because they are only effective against bacterial infections, and Colds/Flu are viral infections. Popular over-the-counter remedies help to relieve symptoms temporarily, but they do not cure the infection.

Rest, drink lots of water, stay warm and avoid spreading the infection to others. Inhaling steam may help to keep secretion loose ad easier to expel.

Many people complain about catching things 'all the time' and getting 'whatever is going around'. By using herbs such as Andrographis, Golden seal, Echinacea and Garlic in combination with Vitamin C, Zinc and other nutrients daily, you can assist with the relief of symptoms, the cause of the infection, and the support of the immune system to help build-up resistance to infections.

In a healthy immune system, a cold should not last more than 10 days. When using remedies,do not expect immediate relief as natural remedies won't suppress the symptoms as some over-the-counter medications will, but the cold will generally be shorter lives - especiallyif you start supplementation within the first 24 - 48 hours of initial symptoms.

May improve immune function and decreasethe incidence of common colds.
Reduces symptoms adn duration of colds and upper respiratory tract infections

Helps maintain a healthy immune system
Helps relieve mucous congestion
Reduces the severity and duration of the common cold

Used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to reduce frequency and severity of colds and upper respiratory tract infections.
Clinical trials have shown Andrographis helps relieve symptoms of tiredness, sleeplessness, sore throat, cough, nasal secretion, headache, earache, coughs.

Stimulates the immune system and builds resistance to viral, and bacterial infections
Reduces severity and duration of cols and upper respiratory complaints

Nature's antibiotic - supports the immune system and useful for bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Used to treat mucous congestion, productive coughs, colds, upper respiratory tract infections

Monday, February 23, 2009


Broccoli is a member of the brassica family of cruciferous vegetables - the same vegetable royalty that includes bok choy, cabbage, kale, kohlrabi and Swiss chard. These vegetables are excellent source of a family of anticancer phytochemicals called isothiocyanates.

Isothiocyanates fight cancer by neutralising carcinogens - the "bad guys" of the cancer battle. They do this by reducing their poisonous effects and stimulating the release of "carcinogen killers", speeding up their removal from the body. Studies have shown that isothiocyanates help prevent lung and esophageal cancer and can lower the risk of other cancers, including gastrointestinal cancer. Several isothiocyanates have been shown to inhibit tumors induced by chemical carcinogens. Broccoli in particular contains a potent isothiocyanate that is an inhibitor of mammary tumors.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Essence of Flora and Probio 7 - For your digestive health

Colon cleansing is a subject that cannot be overlooked in the quest for extended youth, weight loss and total health. Constipation occurs when bowel transit time is slow, and brings with it numerous health concerns. Sometimes the body's systems need a little help along the way, and Essence of Flora (EOF) helps this to happen naturally.

EOF is safe, natural and powerful means of promoting the elimination of potentially harmful toxins and waste while opening the pathway to superior assimilation of important nutrients.

EOF promotes the health and vitality of many organs, systems, glands and processes related to your digestive system.

Though you might have a regular bowel movement (once-a-day basis), chances are your body is still suffering from constipation. During the digestive process, moisture is extracted from the food that we consume.

Consequently, the matter becomes gluey, and coats the walls and fills the pockets of the colon and intestines. This medium becomes stagnant and hard, and is no longer able to pass through the multiple sections of the digestive tract.

Layer upon layer of this rubbery substance begins to block the walls of the colon and small intestine, preventing your body from absorbing the nutrients you need. These stagnant layers, usually black in colour, are potentially dangerous and are referred medically as "mucoid plague".

The average individual is carrying between 7 and 25 pounds of old, hardened waste within his/her digestive system. Worse, this vile matter quickly begins to rot, creating foul odours and gases. This decomposing material permits and immense number of bacteria to thrive within the human body.

During decaying process, these substances can enter the bloodstream and affect every part of the body. Unfortunately, the average individual does not commonly recognise the effect of constipation and mucoid plague.

Ask any Gastroenterologist about this plague and you will likely learn that the root of a great number of health concerns stem from intestinal plague. Colon dysfunction and mucoid plague can contribute to innumberable health problems including stomach pain, obesity, low immunity, skin blemishes and other related problems, bloating, flatulence and many others.

For the health of your digestive system, it is best to couple EOF and the Probio-7.

Probio 7 contains 7 types of probiotics with a total of 5,000,000,000 CFU. Probiotics are the "good" or "friendly" bacteria that are normal inhabitants of the intestinal tract. These friendly bacteria helps the body to function, maintain health and fight illnesses and diseases. "Bad" or "pathogenic" bacteria on the other hand, can cause intestinal microflora imbalances and lead to illness and disease.

The benefits of taking Probio-7 are:
  • Help destroy putrefactive bacteria (the "bad" bacteria) within the lower intestinal tract
  • Help remove toxins from the lower tract and disable possibly carcinogenic bacteria
  • Help normalize intestinal pH
  • Help repair damage to the digestive tract
  • Replenish good bacteria that have been depleted by antibiotics, illness, age and diet
  • Reduce bloating and diarrhea cause by lactose intolerance
  • Reduce diarrhea as a result of taking antibiotics
  • Reduce inflammatory bowel disease
  • Helps to synthesize important B vitamins.

Probio-7 is suitable for anyone and it is essential for those using antibiotics, eating a poor diet, suffering from fungal or yeast infection of the skin, mouth, vagina or penis, constipation or diarrhea.

For purchase or more information, please contact +6017 8033077 or email us at

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Delay The Onset of Brain Shrinkage

EN12 & EN23

Amino acids are important components in the production of Human Growth Hormones (HGH) like thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, insulin, melatonin or DHEA.

Essential amino acids are amino acids which are unable to be build by human body. There are 8 types of essential amino acids:-
Tryptophan, Leucine, Isoleucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Valine & Threonine

EN12 contains 19 types of amino acid where as EN23 contains 25 types of amino acid where both EN12 & EN23 contains all 8 types pf essential amino acids.

Benefits of EN12 & EN23 (Anti-ageing Therapy)
  • Wrinke removal
  • Younger, thicker skin
  • Higher energy level
  • Stronger bones
  • Improve sleep
  • Faster wound healing
  • Hair regrowth
  • Mood elevation
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Greater cardiac output
  • Superior immunie function
  • Elimination of cellulite
  • Elimination of fatigue and depression of ageing
  • 14.4% fat loss, without dieting (average 6 months)
  • 8.8% increase in muscle mass (average 6 months)
  • Increase sexual desire and performance
  • Improve cholesterol profile: higher HDL, lower LDL
  • Enhance collagen synthesis and repair
  • Increase exercise performance
  • Increase memory retention
  • Sharper vision and hearing
  • Improve kidney function
  • Regrowth of heart, liver, spleen, kidneys and other organs that shrink with age

Dosage and Direction for use:

Number of sprays per application

Below 40 years old = 3 sprays

40 - 60 years old = 4 sprays

Above 60 years old = 5 sprays

How to use?

Two times daily, once in the morning and once before bedtime, preferably half hour before food. Shake vigorously before use. Spray directly under the tongue. try to take EN12 or EN23 at about the same time each day. Also be sure to give the spray time (at least 20 seconds) to absorb under the tongue before swallowing. DO NOT brush teet for 15 - 20 minutes before or after oral spray dosage as toothpaste may destroy the good nutrients in EN12 or EN23.

Hormone Deficiency Impairs Memory

The brain requires youthful levels of certain hormones to facilitate cell energy metabolism, maintain poor levels of acetyl-choline, and protect brain cell membrane function. As a result, ageing persons often require some hormone replacement to achieve the requisite levels.

HGH (Human Growth Hormone) improves brain cell activity and enhances memory. The daily production of HGH drops from age 26 onwards. Current findings suggest that HGH enhances memory by facilitating the induction of neural plasticity, a condition that permits the neurons (nerve cells of the brain) to change in order to record new memories. HGH is like thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, melatonin or DHEA has been shown to help preserve youthful neurological function.

Thyroid hormone deficiency can also cause neurological disturbances such as poor concentration, memory disturbances and depression.

An article in the Journal Obstetrics and Gynecological evaluated 71 postmenopausal women relative to memory function: 28 were taking estrogen hormone replacement therapy. In those taking estrogen, there was significantly better verbal memory function than in those who were not (Kampen et al. 1994).

As men age, their levels of testosterone diminish significantly. Low levels of testosterone in men may contribute to memory impairment and increase vulnerability of the brain to Alzheimer's and related disorders.

One protective mechanism provided by testosterone is against Alzheimer's disease: brain cells are protected from a toxic peptide called beta-amyloid, which can accumulate in certain regions of an ageing brain. Beta-amyloid has been implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease. An article in Brain Research describes a study in which cultured neurons were exposed to beta-amylod in the presence of testosterone. The resulting toxicity from beta-amyloid was significantly reduced by testosterone (Pike 2001).

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What causes the brain to age?

Cognitive impairment has a variety of forms, including short-term memory loss, senility and dementia.

Dementia is a general term for diseases involving nerve cell deterioration. It is defined as a loss in at least two areas of complex behaviour such as language, memory, visual and spatial abilities, and judgement that are severe enough to interfere with a person's daily living. Dementia, the most serious form of age associated mental impairment, is often a slow, gradual process that may take months or even years to become noticeable. Symptoms vary depending on which areas of the brain are affected.

It is important to make a distinction between normal, age-associated mental impairment and conditions such as dementia that signal a disease process. Not all memory difficulties or cognitive complaints indicate the presence of Alzheimer's disease or other mental disorders. Many memory changes are temporary and are linked to environmental factors such as stress rather than to physiological processes.

Neurological diseases such as dementia manifest most commonly in the elderly. The good news is that many of the underlying reasons for why people experience memory loss and other neurological disturbances are correctable. Any one or a combination of the following factors can cause age-associated cognitive dysfunction:

  • The damaging effect of chronic inflammation causing injury to both celebral blood vessels and neurons (brain cells).

  • Changes in lifestyle and diet leading to nutrient deficiencies (eg. many older people become deficient in critical nutrients)

  • Hormonal imbalances and decreased level of key hormones, especially HGH, DHEA, estrogen, testosterone, etc.

  • Decrease in oxygen available to brain cells because of impaired circulation due to pathology (e.g. atherosclerosis or heart disease) or a lifetime of poor habits

  • Declining energy output of brain cells

  • Essential fatty acid deficiencies (the brain is made out of almost entirely of fatty acids)

  • The damaging effects of chronic free radical exposure

  • Adverse side effects from prescription medications

  • Elevated levels of MAO (monomine oxidase)

  • Reduced levels of neurotransmitters such as acetyl-choline

Source:Frontline e-Gazette (Sept / October 2008)