Friday, December 19, 2008
Fortunately, benfotiamine, a little known fat soluble form of vitamin B1, has been shown to help prevent the development and progression of many diabetic complications. As a result, benfotiamine has become a critical nutrient for those seeking to ward off the potentially lethal impact of sustained high blood sugar levels.
Used for decades in Europe as a prescription medication, benfotiamine ameliorates the progression of diabetic nerve, kidney, and retinal damage, and relieves the painful symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy makes it difficult for nerves to carry messages to the brain and also impairs the function of the microvasculature (tiny blood vessels) in the extremities.The result of this pathological blood-vessel damage is numbness and painful tingling in the feet (and hands) that can eventually result in amputation of the lower extremities.
Benfotiamine acts through a novel mechanism, blocking the biochemical pathways by which high blood sugar damages cells throughout the body. Now available as a low-cost dietary supplement, benfotiamine can help diabetes sufferers protect their nerves, kidneys, eyes, blood vessels, and heart. Benfotiamine's multifaceted effects in preventing dangerous diabetic complications make it an essential supplement for people with elevated blood sugar levels.
Article by Dale Kiefer.
Related postings:
1. "Diabetic Unleashes a Cascade of Debilitating Health Complications"
2. Protection against Advanced Glycation End products (PAGE) by Frontier International
In a healthy person, food is converted into glucose, which is subsequently absorbed into the bloodstream. In response to this increase in plasma glucose, the pancreas secretes the hormone insulin, which shepherds glucose molecules into the body's cells, where they are stored or burned for energy.
In pre-diabetic and diabetic individuals, however, the cells resist insulin and the entry of glucose into the cells. When this happens, specialised cells in the pancrease known as islet cells respond by pumping out more insulin. Over time, the islet cells burn out altogether. The result is hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, rendering the patient utterly dependent on a constant supply of pharmaceutical insulin.
Despite these challenges, most cells maintain relatively normal concentrations of internal glucose. However, certain cells - most ntably endothelial cells, which line the interior of arteries and capillaries - are less capable of self-regulation. They tend to accumulate high levels of internal glucose, which they cannot metabolise efficiently. This causes intermediate glucose breakdown products to pile up, activating metabolic pathways that are implicated in the onset of diabetic complications.
Especially in the small blood vessels that feed the eys, kidneys and extrremities, the toxic intermediates of glucose breakdown leave a wake of damage. For example, in the retina, this dysfunctional glucose metabolism may lead to blindness. In the kidneys, it may cause irreversible tissue damage, eventually leading to kidney failure. And in the extremities, it may cause vascular disease and nerve pain, possibly requiring amputation.
This article is written by Dale Kiefer, "European Supplement Protects Against Diabetic Complications".
Other related postings:
1. Protection against Advanced Glycation End products (PAGE) by Frontier International
2. European Supplement Protect Against Diabetic Complications
Protection against Advanced Glycation End products (PAGE) by Frontier International
Benfotiamine, a fat-soluble form of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) supports healthy blood sugar metabolism and acts through several mechanisms to block the biochemical pathways by which high sugar creates havoc throughout the body. e.g. the enzymes trasnkelotase is critical to blood sugar metabolism like many enzymes, however transkelotase requires a cofactor. In this case, it needs assistance from thiamine. Unfortunately, thiamine is water soluble, which makes it less available to the interior of the cell. Since benfotiamine is fat soluble, it enters areas of the body where water soluble thiamine cannot penetrate.
Many studies confirmed that benfotiamine increased transketolase activity in cell cultures by astounding 300%, compared to a mere 20% for thiamine. This robust activation was sufficient to block three of the four major metabolic pathways leading to blood vessel damage. Benfotiamine also blocks the activation of the transcription factor known as nuclear factor - kappa beta (NF-KB), which are implicated in numerous inflammatory conditions.
Frontier's PAGE, enriched with Benfotiamine (250mg), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) (50mg), Vitamin B6 (1mg), Vitamin B12 (1.5mcg), Body Guard (TM) (1g), is a low cost dietary supplement that can help maintain already normal sugar levels and support the health of the nerves, kidneys, eyes, blood vessels and heart.
Primary Benefits:
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
A water soluble vitamin which helps the body cells convert carbohydrates into energy. It is also essential for the functioning of the heart, nervous system and digestive system. It plays an important role in stopping the formation of Advanced Glycation End products (AGE).
A fat soluble vitamin, it is the cousin of Thiamine. It blocks destructive pathways that enable high blood sugar levels to damage nerves and small blood vessels. It inhibits the formation of AGE. It is also essentiial in boosting the function of Thiamine in our body cells.
Vitamin B6
A water soluble vitamin. It is involved in the production and digestion of amino acids. The vitamin helps to manufacture the hormone insulin, antibodies that fight infection and certain chemicals that send messages between nerve cells. It also plays a key role in the production of haemoglobin and in the ability of oxygen to bind with the haemoglobin molecule. It is a very important transporter for Thiamine and Benfotiamine.
Vitamin B12
A water soluble vitamin. It is needed for the synthesis of red blood cells, the proper functioning of the nervous system, manufacturing DNA and the processing of fats and carbohydrate. It plays an important role as a transporter of Thiamine and Benfotiamine.
Body Guard (TM)
Body Guard has blood glucose-lowering effects in diabetic patients which include increased tissue glucose uptake. liver and muscle glycogen synthesis, inhibition of enzymes involved in glucose production and enhanced glucose oxidation.It also prevents the leading of diabetes complication such as neuropathy, retinopathy and kidney damage.
What Makes this product unique?
THIAMIN, as a water-soluble vitamin, has an upper dose limit approach in which additional quantities are simply secreted in urine. Clearly, for the beneficial anti-AGE effects and related reduction in inflammatory markers to be realised, a better means of delivering thiamine to tissues is needed. Fortunately, thiamine's fat soluble cousin, BENFOTIAMINE is a highly bioavailable nutrient that has unique structure that can pass directly through cell membranes which achieves better absorption and distribution throughout the body. Benfotiamine can reach tissues more than 5 times more readily than thiamine.
Who should take this product?
PAGE is suitable for anyone from infant to pregnant women. It is highly recommended for strict vegetarians who have insufficient vitamin B complex from their diet.
Other related postings:
2. EUROPEAN SUPPLEMENT PROTECT AGAINST DIABETIC COMPLICATIONSDirectionOne sachet a day. Mix with room temperature water or any other nutritious drink. Maximum dosage is 5 sachets per day.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Soft drink additive damages DNA
Research indicates that sodium benzoate, an ingredient in many soft drinks and sauces, has the ability to deactivate parts of DNA and eventually cause diseases such as Parkinson's and cirrhosis of the liver.
Sodium benzoate is indicated in Australia as "Preservative (211)" on ingredients lists, and is included in Sunkist, Diet Coke, Sprite, Pepsi Max, and many other drinks and condiments.
Peter Piper, a professor of molecular biology and biotechnology who has been studying sodium benzoate for eight years at Sheffield University, found that the presevative seriously damages living cells.
"These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it: they knock it out altogether," Prof Piper told The Independent on Sunday.
The findings came from laboratory tests conducted with sodium benzoate on living yeast cells. Prof Piper was alarmed by the chemical's destructive impact on the "power station" of the cells known as the mitochondria.
"The mitochondria consumes the oxygen to give you energy and if you damage it - as happens in a number of diseased states - then the cell starts to malfunction very seriously," Prof Piper continued.
"There is a whole array of diseases that are now being tied to damage to the DNA - Parkinson's and quite a lot of neuro-digenerative diseases, but above all the whole process of ageing."
Sodium benzoate occurs in small amounts naturally in berries, but is used in large quantities to prevent mould in soft drinks.
The additive has been the subject to controversy for some time. Last year it was revealed that the chemical reaction between sodium benzoate and vitamin C creates benzene, a carcinogenic chemical.
"The food industry will say these compounds have been tested and they are completely safe," Prof Piper said. "By the criteria of modern safety testing, the safety tests were inadequate. Like all things, safety testing moves forward and you can conduct a much more rigorous safety test than you could 50 years ago"
He advised parents to think twice about letting their children drink products containing the chemical.
"My concern is for children who are drinking large amount," he said.
Date of article: 28 May 2007
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Carbs & Glycemic Index
Eating higher GI foods produces a rapid increase in blood glucose levels, triggering the pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin causes the body's muscles & liver cells to attempt to store the excess glucose. Imagine insulin as a shuttle, moving glucose from just digested foods into storage. If the digestive system is pumping glucose into the blood stream quicker that insulin can move it into the muscles/liver or glucose stays high too long in the blood stream, the body will convert the excess glucose into fat.
Eating lower GI foods produce slower glucose raise, little insulin & fat storage, even if you have eaten high fat content foods!
Sugar will bind with protein and fat in our body in a process called Glycation which produce pre-formed Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs). Sugar toxicity or Glucose toxicity is the result of GLYCATION process.
Glycation is the beginning of the damaging process. There are 2 types of glycation process:
1. Exogenus which occurs outside the body mainly in cooking. It happens when sugars are cooked with proteins or fats at temperature over 100 degrees. Browning reactions are evidence of pre-formed AGE e.g. browning in baked goods.
2. Endogenous which occurs inside the body mainly in the blood stream.
Glycation leads to reaction that produce toxins called Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs). AGE is very harmful to our body, when it is bind with Receptor Advanced Glycation End-product (RAGE) in our body cell. The entire cell wil be damaged and finally lead to necrosis (dying of cells). As we know, cells make up tissues, tissues make up organ, and therefore an organ will reduce its function with dead cells resulting in age-related diseases.
AGE affects 2 categories of people:
1. To Diabetic - it causes damages to heart, kidneys, nerves and eyes.
2. To Non Diabetic - It contributes to all ageing disorders.
What are the ageing disorders related to the harmful effect of AGE?
Nerve problem:
Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson disease where the nervous system has been destroyed.
Cardiovascular problem:
Heart attack, stroke - where the damaged blood vessel wall is more permeable to the attack of oxidised cholesterol which causes stiffness of blood vessels hence leading to poor blood circulation.
Eye problem:
Blindness where the small blood vessels in the retina is damaged.
Kidney problem:
Kidney failure where the degraded AGE will be accumulated in kidney and leads to damage of kidney cells.
Pancreas problem:
Diabetes Mellitus where the beta cells responsible for insulin production are damaged. High level of AGE will cause further complication in diabetic patient.
Human growth hormone was first discovered in 1956 and it's structure was identified in 1972. Before synthetic HGH molecules were genetically engineered in 1998, HGH was extracted from cadavers and then injected with needles into the human body.Over the past 3 decades, there have been a growing number of clinical research studies investigating the capabilities and purported benefits of the human growth hormone.Many researchers have concluded that one of the primary causes of aging is the decrease of HGH human growth hormone production.
According to Dr. Ronald Klatz, M.D., President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, "Aging appears to be due in large part to the drastic decline of growth hormone in the body after adulthood."According to HGH human growth hormone research, at age 21, the normal level of circulating HGH is about 10 milligrams per deciliter of blood, but at age 61, it's decreased 80% to only 2 milligrams. It is believed that growth hormone is what grows the cells, bones, muscles and organs, and it is the level of growth hormone after age 30 that slowly robs us of our youth.After age 30, the secretion rate of HGH drops approximately 14% per decade. By 80, most people barely produce enough HGH to build a fingernail, explaining why injuries experienced by seniors take so long to heal.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Research - Clinical Studies.
The New England Journal of Medicine published the clinical findings of Daniel Rudman, MD, regarding his HGH human growth hormone research on the anti-aging effects of HGH. His findings were astonishing.
Dr. Rudman studied patients age 61 to 81 at the Medical College of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. After six months, Dr. Rudman observed a reversal of the aging process from 10 to 20 years in the patients who received HGH injections. But in the control group (those who didn't receive HGH injections), the normal aging process continued.
Other HGH human growth hormone clinical research studies performed over the past 30 years have demonstrated that HGH can allow users to lose fat, build muscle mass, improve sexual performance, remove wrinkles, reduce cellulite and increase immune function. HGH is the master hormone which is secreted by the pituitary gland and is responsible for directly and indirectly balancing the body's critical hormones.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) - Clinical Research Conclusions
"The effects of six months of human growth hormone on lean body mass and adipose-tissue were equivalent in magnitude to the changes incurred during 10-20 years of aging."
Daniel Rudman, M.D., New England Journal of Medicine
"It is possible that chronic physiologic GH and/or IGF-I replacement therapy might reverse (or prevent) some of these "inevitable" sequelae of aging." (Study of GH therapy in the elderly - March 1992.)
V.A. Medical Center and Department of Medicine, Stanford University Medical Center
"Replacement therapy with Growth Hormone has shown beneficial/normalizing effect on parameters such as cardiac and renal function, thyroid hormone metabolism, bone metabolism, sweat secretion, total and regional fuel metabolism and psychological well being..."
Dr. Jorgensen and Dr. Christian of Copenhagen, Denmark, in European Journal of Endocrinology, 1994
"We really have something here which may be able to reverse some of the problems associated with aging."
Dr. Anthony Karpos, M.D.
"Daily Administration of human growth hormone in the first week after trauma would enhance the metabolic status... resulting in reduced morbidity and earlier discharge from hospital."
(May 1992, Journal of Surgery. Vol 111, 495-502.)
Drs. Ramias, Shamos, and Schiller of St. Joseph Hospital Medical Center in Phoenix, AZ
"All adults with growth hormone deficiency should now be considered for growth hormone replacement therapy."
Dr. Jake Powrie, M.D. and Dr. Andrew Weissberger, St. Thomas Hospital, London England
"There is no evidence suggestion that Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy causes any unfavorable long term side effects."
(Hormone Research, 1995)
Dr. Rosen, M.D. and Dr. G. Johannsson, M.D. of University Hospital, Goteborg, Sweden
Potent Antioxidant and Anti-cancer Beverage - PECKERS

Potent Antioxidant and Anti-cancer Beverage
What Are The Ingredients Of Peckers?
Grape Seed Extract, Pine Bark Extract, Epigallocatechin Gallate, Selenium, N-acetyl-cysteine,Copper, Manganese, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, Acerola berry, astaxanthin
Primary Benefits
• Offers superior anti-aging benefits and cell protection by providing the body with important antioxidants and phytonutrients such as proanthocyanidins, flavanoids and vitamins.
• The powerful antioxidants eliminate the harmful free radicals that damage cells and contribute to many diseases, ranging from stroke, heart attacks and cancers to degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
• The antioxidants flavanoids present in pine bark extract and grape seed extract also enhance the effectiveness of other antioxidants such as Vitamins A, C and E.
• Prevents cancer metastasis by neutralizing free radicals and bad cancer cellsWhat Makes This Product Unique?
• Peckers is a premium-quality, super antioxidant blend with 150mg grape seed and 200mg pine bark per serving, the highest concentration in the market with the best synergistic effect.
• A proprietary grape seed and pine bark extracts containing very high percentage of flavanoids called proanthocyanidins.
• The antioxidants power is 50 times more potent than vitamin E and 20 times more potent than vitamin C.
Who Should Consume This Product?
Peckers should be consumed by anyone who is concerned about long-term cell health and their antioxidant status. Individuals with a hectic, busy or stressful lifestyle, or those frequently exposed to pollution will find benefits from Peckers supplementation.
DirectionMix the content with 50ml of water, stir and serve
CANCER (The most devastating disease of the 21st century)
“People obsessed with cures, cures,are being—I hate to use the word— selfish by ignoring what could be done in terms of prevention.”- “Why We’re Losing The War on Cancer”, Fortune Magazine March 2004-