Thursday, January 22, 2009

Essence of Flora and Probio 7 - For your digestive health

Colon cleansing is a subject that cannot be overlooked in the quest for extended youth, weight loss and total health. Constipation occurs when bowel transit time is slow, and brings with it numerous health concerns. Sometimes the body's systems need a little help along the way, and Essence of Flora (EOF) helps this to happen naturally.

EOF is safe, natural and powerful means of promoting the elimination of potentially harmful toxins and waste while opening the pathway to superior assimilation of important nutrients.

EOF promotes the health and vitality of many organs, systems, glands and processes related to your digestive system.

Though you might have a regular bowel movement (once-a-day basis), chances are your body is still suffering from constipation. During the digestive process, moisture is extracted from the food that we consume.

Consequently, the matter becomes gluey, and coats the walls and fills the pockets of the colon and intestines. This medium becomes stagnant and hard, and is no longer able to pass through the multiple sections of the digestive tract.

Layer upon layer of this rubbery substance begins to block the walls of the colon and small intestine, preventing your body from absorbing the nutrients you need. These stagnant layers, usually black in colour, are potentially dangerous and are referred medically as "mucoid plague".

The average individual is carrying between 7 and 25 pounds of old, hardened waste within his/her digestive system. Worse, this vile matter quickly begins to rot, creating foul odours and gases. This decomposing material permits and immense number of bacteria to thrive within the human body.

During decaying process, these substances can enter the bloodstream and affect every part of the body. Unfortunately, the average individual does not commonly recognise the effect of constipation and mucoid plague.

Ask any Gastroenterologist about this plague and you will likely learn that the root of a great number of health concerns stem from intestinal plague. Colon dysfunction and mucoid plague can contribute to innumberable health problems including stomach pain, obesity, low immunity, skin blemishes and other related problems, bloating, flatulence and many others.

For the health of your digestive system, it is best to couple EOF and the Probio-7.

Probio 7 contains 7 types of probiotics with a total of 5,000,000,000 CFU. Probiotics are the "good" or "friendly" bacteria that are normal inhabitants of the intestinal tract. These friendly bacteria helps the body to function, maintain health and fight illnesses and diseases. "Bad" or "pathogenic" bacteria on the other hand, can cause intestinal microflora imbalances and lead to illness and disease.

The benefits of taking Probio-7 are:
  • Help destroy putrefactive bacteria (the "bad" bacteria) within the lower intestinal tract
  • Help remove toxins from the lower tract and disable possibly carcinogenic bacteria
  • Help normalize intestinal pH
  • Help repair damage to the digestive tract
  • Replenish good bacteria that have been depleted by antibiotics, illness, age and diet
  • Reduce bloating and diarrhea cause by lactose intolerance
  • Reduce diarrhea as a result of taking antibiotics
  • Reduce inflammatory bowel disease
  • Helps to synthesize important B vitamins.

Probio-7 is suitable for anyone and it is essential for those using antibiotics, eating a poor diet, suffering from fungal or yeast infection of the skin, mouth, vagina or penis, constipation or diarrhea.

For purchase or more information, please contact +6017 8033077 or email us at

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Delay The Onset of Brain Shrinkage

EN12 & EN23

Amino acids are important components in the production of Human Growth Hormones (HGH) like thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, insulin, melatonin or DHEA.

Essential amino acids are amino acids which are unable to be build by human body. There are 8 types of essential amino acids:-
Tryptophan, Leucine, Isoleucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Valine & Threonine

EN12 contains 19 types of amino acid where as EN23 contains 25 types of amino acid where both EN12 & EN23 contains all 8 types pf essential amino acids.

Benefits of EN12 & EN23 (Anti-ageing Therapy)
  • Wrinke removal
  • Younger, thicker skin
  • Higher energy level
  • Stronger bones
  • Improve sleep
  • Faster wound healing
  • Hair regrowth
  • Mood elevation
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Greater cardiac output
  • Superior immunie function
  • Elimination of cellulite
  • Elimination of fatigue and depression of ageing
  • 14.4% fat loss, without dieting (average 6 months)
  • 8.8% increase in muscle mass (average 6 months)
  • Increase sexual desire and performance
  • Improve cholesterol profile: higher HDL, lower LDL
  • Enhance collagen synthesis and repair
  • Increase exercise performance
  • Increase memory retention
  • Sharper vision and hearing
  • Improve kidney function
  • Regrowth of heart, liver, spleen, kidneys and other organs that shrink with age

Dosage and Direction for use:

Number of sprays per application

Below 40 years old = 3 sprays

40 - 60 years old = 4 sprays

Above 60 years old = 5 sprays

How to use?

Two times daily, once in the morning and once before bedtime, preferably half hour before food. Shake vigorously before use. Spray directly under the tongue. try to take EN12 or EN23 at about the same time each day. Also be sure to give the spray time (at least 20 seconds) to absorb under the tongue before swallowing. DO NOT brush teet for 15 - 20 minutes before or after oral spray dosage as toothpaste may destroy the good nutrients in EN12 or EN23.

Hormone Deficiency Impairs Memory

The brain requires youthful levels of certain hormones to facilitate cell energy metabolism, maintain poor levels of acetyl-choline, and protect brain cell membrane function. As a result, ageing persons often require some hormone replacement to achieve the requisite levels.

HGH (Human Growth Hormone) improves brain cell activity and enhances memory. The daily production of HGH drops from age 26 onwards. Current findings suggest that HGH enhances memory by facilitating the induction of neural plasticity, a condition that permits the neurons (nerve cells of the brain) to change in order to record new memories. HGH is like thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, melatonin or DHEA has been shown to help preserve youthful neurological function.

Thyroid hormone deficiency can also cause neurological disturbances such as poor concentration, memory disturbances and depression.

An article in the Journal Obstetrics and Gynecological evaluated 71 postmenopausal women relative to memory function: 28 were taking estrogen hormone replacement therapy. In those taking estrogen, there was significantly better verbal memory function than in those who were not (Kampen et al. 1994).

As men age, their levels of testosterone diminish significantly. Low levels of testosterone in men may contribute to memory impairment and increase vulnerability of the brain to Alzheimer's and related disorders.

One protective mechanism provided by testosterone is against Alzheimer's disease: brain cells are protected from a toxic peptide called beta-amyloid, which can accumulate in certain regions of an ageing brain. Beta-amyloid has been implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease. An article in Brain Research describes a study in which cultured neurons were exposed to beta-amylod in the presence of testosterone. The resulting toxicity from beta-amyloid was significantly reduced by testosterone (Pike 2001).

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What causes the brain to age?

Cognitive impairment has a variety of forms, including short-term memory loss, senility and dementia.

Dementia is a general term for diseases involving nerve cell deterioration. It is defined as a loss in at least two areas of complex behaviour such as language, memory, visual and spatial abilities, and judgement that are severe enough to interfere with a person's daily living. Dementia, the most serious form of age associated mental impairment, is often a slow, gradual process that may take months or even years to become noticeable. Symptoms vary depending on which areas of the brain are affected.

It is important to make a distinction between normal, age-associated mental impairment and conditions such as dementia that signal a disease process. Not all memory difficulties or cognitive complaints indicate the presence of Alzheimer's disease or other mental disorders. Many memory changes are temporary and are linked to environmental factors such as stress rather than to physiological processes.

Neurological diseases such as dementia manifest most commonly in the elderly. The good news is that many of the underlying reasons for why people experience memory loss and other neurological disturbances are correctable. Any one or a combination of the following factors can cause age-associated cognitive dysfunction:

  • The damaging effect of chronic inflammation causing injury to both celebral blood vessels and neurons (brain cells).

  • Changes in lifestyle and diet leading to nutrient deficiencies (eg. many older people become deficient in critical nutrients)

  • Hormonal imbalances and decreased level of key hormones, especially HGH, DHEA, estrogen, testosterone, etc.

  • Decrease in oxygen available to brain cells because of impaired circulation due to pathology (e.g. atherosclerosis or heart disease) or a lifetime of poor habits

  • Declining energy output of brain cells

  • Essential fatty acid deficiencies (the brain is made out of almost entirely of fatty acids)

  • The damaging effects of chronic free radical exposure

  • Adverse side effects from prescription medications

  • Elevated levels of MAO (monomine oxidase)

  • Reduced levels of neurotransmitters such as acetyl-choline

Source:Frontline e-Gazette (Sept / October 2008)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What is the Best Diet?

Truth is, there is no perfect diet for humans. The only fact that could reasonably be called a universal truth when it comes to diest is this: The more plant foods, the better. How you eat is as important as what you eat. Mindfulness and consciousness in eating - like in everything else in life - contribute to healthy and wellbeing. Real food - whole food witn minimal processing - contains a virtual pharmacy of nutrients, phytochemicals, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and healthful fats, and can keep you alive and thriving into your tenth decade.

SUPER-TEN (awesome food that should be in your menu)

1. Asparagus: loaded with folic acid, vitamin C, and glutathione precursors.
2. Avacado: contains lots of Vitamin E, glutathione, and monounsaturated fats that doesnt require an insulin respones.
3. Onions: Contains many important flavanoids, especially quercetin, which supports the immune system, improves prostate health, and is perhaps the major nutrient responsible for the "French Paradox".
4. Spinach: spinach contains lutein, which helps prevent macular degeneration and is instrumental in both lung and heart health. It is also one the best sources of calcium.
5. Pomegranate: pomegranate is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to assist in plague regression in both the carotid arteries and the heart.
6. Wild Alaskan Salmon: an outstanding protein source with the vital carotenoid called astaxanthin. This caratenoid prevents lipid peroxidation and assist in mending DNA breakdown. It is 17 times more powerful than grape seed extracts and 50 times more powerful than vitamin E. It is the carotenoid that gives the orange color to salmon fish. (Note: wild salmon differs from farm-bred).
7. Broccoli: contains sulfur compounds that assist in detoxifying the body. A major source of cancer-preventing compounds such as sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol.
8. Almonds: great monounsaturated fat containing precious gamma tocopherol, a vital nutrient that neutralises the perioxynitrite radical, a dangerous free radical that causes destruction to cellular endothelial membranes.
9. Seaweeds: contains all fifty-six minerals and especially natural iodine, which are needed for the thyroid gland. Magnesium, chlorophyll and alginates are also vital for optimum health.
10. Eggs: egg is the standard for all other foods for protein content. It's a great source of vitamin K, selenium, vitamin B12, and cholie - a nutrient required by all cell membranes. Also, eggs contain lutein, a nutrient that protects the eyes. (Egg should be eaten wholesomely, that means including the yolk! Yummy!)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Grapeseed Extract Kills 76% of Leukemia Cancer Cells in 24 Hours

A new study conducted at the University of Kentucky in the United States, and published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research, found that leukemia cancer cells exposed to grapeseed extract (GSE) were rapidly killed through a process of cell suicide known as "apoptosis.

"In these laboratory studies, an astonishing 76% of leukemia cells committed suicide within 24 hours thanks to the ability of GSE to activate a protein called JNK, which regulates apoptosis.

In a healthy person, cancer cell apoptosis is a normal, healthy part of biology. Every living system creates cancerous cells. There are hundreds or thousands of "microtumors" in every human being living today, but cancerous cells in healthy people destroy themselves once they realize they're flawed. This cellular "realization," however, requires healthy cell communication, and that's dependent on the correct nutrients, minerals and proteins being available in the body.

Grapeseed extract appears to accelerate this process in cancer cells, helping them more rapidly assess their own flawed state so they can engage in apoptosis (cell suicide), thus protecting the larger organism (the body).

It's important to note that this recent study was conducted in a lab, not in human beings, so its conclusions cannot necessarily be directly translated into saying something like "grapeseed extract cures cancer," for example. However, it does indicate quite convincingly that if the unique phytochemical molecules found in grapeseed extract can be delivered to leukemia cells with sufficient potency, they may play an important role in cancer cells destroying themselves, thereby protecting the whole organism from runaway cancer.

If the results demonstrated in the labs at the University of Kentucky can be replicated in humans, it could potentially position grapeseed extract as one of the most powerful natural chemotherapeutic agents yet discovered.Grapeseed extract has been studied and demonstrated to be remarkably effective at killing cancer cells for many different types of cancer, by the way, including cancers of the breast, prostate, lung, skin bowel and stomach.

Eat more
The conventional cancer community, of course, is quick to warn people not to simply eat more grapes in the hopes that grapeseed extract will help prevent their cancer. But I ask, "Why not?" Unlike toxic chemotherapy, eating grapes has zero negative side effects. At the same time, grapes offer numerous other health benefits, since they are a source of resveratrol and various protective phytonutrients.

Of course, you have to eat grapes with seeds in them, and since the global food supply has become so distorted over the past few years, it's difficult to find grapes with seeds in them. My advice? Buy your grapes from a health food store: Look for organic, seeded grapes. And when you eat them, don't spit out the seeds (obviously). Chew them up, and you'll digest the grapeseed extract that's naturally present in those seeds.

I've talked with conspiracy theorists who believe the seeds were purposely taken out of the grapes in the national food supply for precisely this reason (to remove the anti-cancer nutrients from food, thus keeping people sick). I disagree with that explanation, however: Seedless grapes are simply a product of consumer demand, in much the same way that consumers prefer seedless watermelon. If consumers actually knew about the health benefits of grape seeds, they might think differently, but thanks to efforts by the FDA and USDA, the mainstream public has remained virtually illiterate on nutrition for several decades, and you'll rarely meet an individual who is aware that eating grape seeds is actually good for you.

Don't be fooled by the cereal Grape Nuts, by the way. That's just a clever name. The cereal contains no grape seeds whatsoever. (It's made from roasted barley and other grains.)

Protecting healthy cells
Another important finding in the University of Kentucky study is that the grapeseed extract was not toxic to normal, healthy cells even as it helped cancer cells commit suicide.

This is hugely important because it shows, yet again, that Mother Nature's medicine is far safer than medicine created by Man. Conventional chemotherapy chemicals are extremely toxic to healthy cells, which is why chemotherapy causes permanent brain damage ("chemo brain"), kidney damage and heart damage. Grapeseed extract, however, causes no such damage, and there has never been a person who died from eating grapes. (There have been millions, probably, who were killed by chemotherapy.)

As Professor Xianglin Shi, the lead researcher of the study, said in a BBC article: "These results could have implications for the incorporation of agents such as grapeseed extract into prevention or treatment of haematological (blood) malignancies and possibly other cancers. ...What everyone seeks is an agent that has an effect on cancer cells but leaves normal cells alone, and this shows that grapeseed extract fits into this category."In other words, grapeseed extract is now a candidate for a natural chemotherapeutic agent.

Grapeseed extract and endurance
The benefits of grapeseed extract don't stop with its anti-cancer potential, by the way: The
antioxidant is also known to be extremely effective at reducing oxidative stress during exercise.

I posted another article today about the results of a fascinating preliminary clinical trial using grapeseed extract, the antioxidant used in Moxxor (which is a premium marine omega-3 oil supplement that contains grapeseed extract as one of its three ingredients).

The results of that clinical trial are extremely promising in showing that the grapeseed extract used in Moxxor may help reduce the level of oxidative stress experienced during exercise. This trial was conducted by Dr. Glenn Vile in conjunction with HortResearch, a New Zealand research institution.

This preliminary trial was conducted on competitive boat rowers who were given GSE one hour before engaging in vigorous exercise. (The trial was structured as a double-blind, randomized cross-over trial using placebo.) Results indicate that the rowers given GSE experienced a significant reduction of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), a chemical marker for exercise-induced oxidative stress. The reduction level was 34% + / - 6%

You can read more about that clinical trial here:

In all, this is fantastic news about grapeseed extract, as it demonstrates the ability of this natural substance to kill cancer cells in the lab. Given that grapes are a safe and customary part of the food supply, and that grapes are naturally intended to contain seeds, it seems quite sensible to conclude that human beings were intended to eat grape seeds and derive health benefits from them. Buy more (seeded) grapes!

If you're interested in Moxxor, by the way, there are currently over 1,000 NaturalNews readers who are Moxxor members, and they can introduce you to the product. Simply go to and click on the city nearest you to find a NaturalNews Moxxor team member. Or read more about the science behind Moxxor's anti-inflammatory properties here:

Note: This article makes no health claims about Moxxor, and Moxxor is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. I have a financial stake in the success of Moxxor, and I currently take six to eight capsules of Moxxor each day.

Grapeseed extract is also available as a nutritional supplement from numerous sources, but one thing you'll notice about GSE in supplement form is that the actual nutrient is so tiny that most of the GSE supplements contain a lot of filler (silica, stearic acid, silicon dioxide, etc.). I've recently become more concerned about the cumulative levels of consumption of supplement fillers by people who take a lot of nutritional supplements, and I'm personally reducing my consumption of supplement pills while increasing my consumption of superfood-based powders and fresh product.

The best way to get grapeseed extract is by eating grape seeds. The second best way is to get it mixed in with a superfood powder or supplement that contains no filler. The least preferred way to get it is by taking a GSE capsule made with a lot of filler, so keep that in mind


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Our local market

I love our local market. So much fresh food.

There is so much we can do to look after ourselves by cooking our own meal rather than depending too much on eating outside. Unfortunately because of convenience, more and more people opt for the easy way out without considering much about what they put into their body.

Cooking at home can be made fun and easy. Plus eating with your family and loved ones can enhance your enjoyment of food and prevent digestive problems.

There are so many exciting and tasty healthy recipies available in cook books and the internet. I will put up links to healthy recipies on this blog. Make healthier eating your priority this new year.

Your Detoxification To A Better Life

Detoxification refers to the body's ability to neutralise and eliminate toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin. Many of these toxins come from our diet, drug use and environmental exposure. Even the air we breathe, the foods we eat and the water we drink is laden with chemicals foreign to our system. Internally, oxidised fats, cholesterol and free radicals molecules act as toxins. Usually, poor digestion, colon sluggishness, liver dysfunction, poor elimination through the kidneys, respiratory tract and skin will increase the toxicity in the body.

Therefore, everyone needs to detox and rest their body functions to maintain their life and health. Especially individuals who have impaired liver function due to their bad lifestyle, chronic digestive problems, chronic headaches, chronic skin conditions, premenstrual syndrome and moodiness, Detoxification is one part of the trilogy of nutritional action, the others being building and maintenance of our body's health.

Symptoms of toxicity can be varied as the individual, but generally as follows:

  • headaches, fatigue, weakness, muscle aches and joint pains

  • poor concentration, irritability, depression and mood swings

  • allergies, stuffy nose, coughing

  • rashes, itching, hives

  • poor digestion

  • sensitivities to chemicals, foods, drugs.
To maintain detoxification in our life and health, we highly recommend the following health supplements formulated by Frontier International, our trusted source:
  • TOTAL GREEN CONCENTRATE (TGC) - Blood purifier which enhances cellular detoxification and regulates blood acid/alkaline balance.

  • ESSENCE OF FLORA - Digestive tea which helps to maintain optimal digestive functions and enhances fat breakdown.

  • TN-PLUS - Contains more than 100 blends of superfoods and nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, plant based digestive enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics and fibers to support optimum health daily.

  • NUCLEX - DNA-nucleopeptides salt that greatly improbes the cellular metabolism. It is able to enhance the generation of new cells, strengthen self-repair ability of the gene and protect gene from free radical damages.

For further information on detoxification products and programs, please contact us at 1078033077. We are more than pleased to be of your assistance.

Our Malaysian Lifestyle

Most Malaysians are simply eating too much carbohydrates - i.e. rice and noodles. Unused carbohydrates are converted into fat. Unfortunately cutting down the consumption of rice is not easy and it will require great effort. If proper dieting is neglected, the body will be taking in a lot of wrong ingredients and storing harmful substances. This is the reason why detoxification is necessary.

Detoxification is always accompanied by the consumption of the right supplements. Supplements are frowned upon by people who think that they are healthy. Unfortunately, many of such people are really not as healthy as they think. The residual elements left behind in their bodies through wrong lifestyle and habits often lead to more serious illnesses if left unchecked.

Supplementing correctly with the right products is critical to promote all round good health. Supplements that are good should be readily absorbed by the body and easy to consume. Our favourite supplements by Frontier International carries a wonderful range of products and it carries the potential for wide-spread use. If people understand how to use such products in combination with the other 3 elements of diet, exercise and lifestyle, many of them will see a tremendous improvement in their health and they will be able to do more of the things they want to do. Even those who are in their sixties, seventies and eighties will be able to lead a fantastic lifestyle if they live the right lifestyle.

Monday, January 5, 2009

NUCLEX - Blackcurrent juice powder with DNA-Nucleopeptides beverage

When one cell divides to make a new cell, everything inside it is duplicated, including the DNA. Nuclex TM, the new breakthrough that gives your cell the components it needs to make a new DNA.

What is NUCLEX TM can do for you?
  • Enhance generation of new cells
  • Repair damaged tissues
  • Improve cellular metabolism
  • Prevent gene mutation
  • Strengthen self-repair ability of gene
  • Protects DNA / gene from free radical damage

Health benefits of NUCLEX TM

Cell growth and metabolism

It improves cellular metabolism including taking in raw materials, building cell components, converting energy, molecules and releasing by-products.

It enhances the two distinct divisions of metabolism: catabolism in which the cell breaks down complex molecules to produce energy and reducing power, and anabolism, wherein the cell uses energy and reducing power to construct complex molecules and perform other biological functions.

Creation of new cells

It enhances DNA replication which is required every time a cell divides. In cell division, a single divides into two daughter cells which lead to the growth and development of new tissue.

Protein synthesis

It facilitates transcription and translation which involve the formation of new protein molecules from amino acid building blocks based on information encoded in DNA/RNA. It increases protein synthesis which is essential for the modulation and maintenance of cellular activities.

Immune System

It maintains and enhances cellular immunity. It has stimulating effetcs on the humoral immune system; it can increase antibody production, interferon-gamma and B-cell number.

Digestive System

It enhances intestinal growth and development. It increases the thickness of intestinal lining as well as promotes the repair and recovery of injured organs. DNA & RNA salt has a pronounced effect on the gut microflora. It increases the number of intestinal friendly bacteria and inhibits the growth of bad bacteria which causes diarrheal disease. It also helps regulate stomach acid production.


It improves liver functions, including metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and fats. It helps to lower down total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides levels as well as to increase HDL cholesterol level.

DNA & RNA salt also promotes cell growth and development. Hence, it is very helpful in repair and recovery of injured liver tissues.

Infant Nutrition

It plays a significant role in infant nutrition. It provides the essential nutrients which aid in cell growth and development. It also enhances immunity, highly beneficial for infants who have weak immune system. It greatly improves learning ability as it can increase the levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid in the brain.

Cell - "The Building Block of Life"

Cells, the building blocks of human body, are the smallest units that perform all vital physiological functions. They are produced by the division of pre-existing cells and each cell functions to maintain homeostasis at the cellular level. Homeostasis at the tissue, organ, system and organism levels reflects the combined and coordinated actions of many cells.

In human cell, there exists are two different kinds of genetic material: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which is the hereditary material of genes, and ribonucleic acid (RNA) which contains the information necessary to build various proteins.

DNA is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic information that allows living things to function, grow and reproduce. It is found primarily in the nucleus of human cells and small amounts are also found in the mitochondria (cell energy powerhouse).

DNA is a long polymer of the simple units called nucleotides, which are held together by a backbone made of sugars and phosphate groups. This backbone carries four types od molecules called bases (adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine) and it is the sequence of these four bases that encodes the genetic information. The major function of DNA is to encode the sequence of amino acid residues in proteins, using the genetic code. To read genetic code, cells make a copy of a stretch of DNA in the nucleic acid RNA. These RNA copies can then be used to direct protein synthesis.


For cells to live and grow, the genetic information in DNA must be (1) propagated and maintained from generation to generation, and (2) expressed to synthesize the components of a cell. These two functions are carried out by the processes of DNA replication and transcription.

DNA Replication

DNA is composed of two strands that wrap around each other to form a double helix. The two strands are held together by base pairing and are anti-parallel. During replication, the two parental strands are separated, and each is used as a template for the synthesis of a new strand of DNA. Synthesis of the nascent DNA strands is carried out by a family of enzymes called DNA polymerases. Base incorporation is directed by the existing DNA strand; nucleotides that base-pair with the template are added to the nascent DNA strand. The product of replication is two complete double-stranded helices, each of which contains all of the genetic information (has the identical base sequence) of the parental DNA.

Transcription & Translation

In transcription, DNA acts as a template directing the synthesis of RNA. RNA is single stranded polymer similar to DNA except that it contains the sugar ribose instead of 2-deoxyribose and the base uracil instead of thymidine. The two strands of DNA separate transiently, and one of the two single-stranded regions is used as a template to direct the synthesis of an RNA strand. As in DNA replication, base pairing between the incoming ribonucleotide and the template strand determines the sequence of bases is directly transferred from DNA and RNA in transcription. After the RNA is synthesised, the DNA reverts to double-stranded form. Transcription is carried out by a family of enzymes called RNA polymerases. Following transription, newly synthesised RNA is often processed prior to being used to direct protein synthesis by ribosomes in a process called translation.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


What are Free Radicals?
Free radicals are harmful molecules that damage our body cells and lead to more than sixty diseases, including degenerative diseases like diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, stroke, heart attacks, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and certain types of cancer.
Free radicals also accelerate the ageing process, and as a result are involved in decreasing our immunity.

How do we get Free Radicals?
We get free radicals from inside and outside our body. For example, free radicals are produced Internally during:
· energy production,
· metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat,
· stress and
· low blood pressure.

External free radicals are produced for example from:
· the radiation of the sun, computer and mobile phones,
· pollution
· unhealthy food
· toxic compounds found in paints, furniture and household detergents.

How do we eliminate Free Radicals?
Studies have found that antioxidants neutralizes free radicals in the body.

What is antioxidant?
Antioxidant also known as “ radical scavengers” are a range of substances which block the
undesirable effect from free radicals.

Potent antioxidant cocktail

Peckers contains a powerful antioxidants to eliminate these high amount of free radicals.
This super antioxidant cocktail is blended with 150mg grape seed and 200mg pine bark per serving, the highest concentration in the market with the best synergistic effect. It also contains green tea extract, natural vitamin A, C & E, selenium, wheat germ and alpha lipoic acid (ALA). The antioxidant power is 50 times more potent than vitamin E and 20 times more potent than vitamin C.
Pine bark extracts is known for its strong antioxidant benefits. It also helps to nourish capillaries ( small blood vessels ) and skin. It protects against dangerous molecules known as free radicals.
Grape seed extracts can prevent the oxidation of LDL, which leads to the formation of plaque or fatty deposits in the arteries. It is anti-inflammatory and has been used to treat arteries and allergies. It also helps to build collagen.

Who should consume this product?
Peckers should be consumed by anyone who is concerned about long-term cell health and their antioxidant status. Individuals with a hectic, busy and stressful lifestyle or those frequently exposed to pollution.

What is Asthma?

What is Asthma?

People with asthma have sensitive airways in their lungs. When exposed to certain triggers their airways narrow, making it hard for them to breathe.

Three main factors cause the airways to become narrow:

  • The inside lining of the airways becomes red and swollen (this is called inflammation);
  • Extra mucous (sticky fluid) may be produced; and
  • The muscle around the airways tightens (this is called bronchoconstriction).

Asthma can be recognised through a number of symptoms. These include a dry irritating, persistent cough, particularly at night, in the early morning or with exercise or activity; chest tightness; shortness of breath and wheezing.

Asthma can be triggered by a range of things. Some examples are:

  • colds and flu;
  • exposure to cigarette smoke;
  • exercise or activity;
  • inhaled allergens (e.g. pollens, moulds, animal dander and dust mites);
  • environmental (e.g. dust and pollution);
  • changes in temperature and weather;
  • certain medications (e.g. aspirin);
  • chemicals and strong smells (e.g. perfumes, cleaners);
  • emotional factors (e.g. laughter, stress, anxiety, excitement); and
  • some foods and food preservatives, flavourings and colourings.

Every person's asthma is different. Not all people will have the same triggers, not will they react to every trigger listed above. You may not always know what triggers your asthma.
